Meter Survey
Simplify one of your utility’s most time-consuming, yet important tasks
Performing meter readings may be monotonous, but it is one of the most important tasks for any utility to do. And since this is revenue-generating work that’s performed monthly, it's vital that your meter readings are accurate and organized. Is your manual paper-based system up for the job? HSC Cloud is the solution for simplified monthly meter readings.
With our Meter Survey offering within HSC Cloud, technicians can view their route for the day’s readings in a digital format, whether in a work order queue on their dashboard or within the map feature. The Meter Survey form will display the previous month’s reading, as well as the current meter read. This provides you with the confidence that technicians are accurately capturing usage so customers can be billed properly. Having historical reading records also provides a clear view of usage patterns and is available for any reporting or compliance needs.
Upgrade your cluttered paper processes to a system fit for the digital age. Store historical leak survey information, inspection reports, and other important documents all in one spot. Because HSC Cloud is based in the cloud, documents can be accessed from anywhere, at any time.
HSC Cloud has a customizable map that allows you to visualize key assets, map out gas leaks, and conduct meter surveys. The map not only provides a clear view of assets, but it also shows what work needs to be done, such as inspections, and schedule regular maintenance or other work orders.
Make work easy and seamless for your field technicians. Assign routes with real-time visibility the help keep your teams accountable for work that needs to be completed. Once a task is completed, the next will slide into a technician’s work queue, so they don’t need to worry about what’s next.
Save valuable time and effort during busy workdays with HSC Cloud’s pre-packaged compliance report automation. Technicians can automatically generate compliance and operational reports from data they collect on their inspection routes and email it to management within the utility.
Request a demo with our team today.
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