Gas Equipment Repair & Maintenance
Our experienced team can help extend the lives of your valuable equipment.
Our experienced team can help extend the lives of your valuable equipment.
Repairs and maintenance are a cost-benefit decision. In many cases we can help you get more life from your products by giving them the routine care they need. From simple repair kits that you can use to maintain the equipment yourself, to complete refurbishments where we tear the product down and rebuild it, we can keep your systems running longer. We also provide solutions to allow your natural gas system to continue operating while you remove meters or regulators for service. While we perform these services, we also realize maintenance or repair aren’t always the best use of cash, so after we receive a product you’d like to have repaired or maintained, we’ll conduct an inspection and let you know if it would be more economical to replace it.
Whether it's a turbine meter, rotary meter, industrial regulator, or instrument, these are the products we can help you get more life out of. With specialized tools designed specifically to disassemble and reassemble these products and knowledgeable technicians, we have the experience needed to do everything from a minor gas meter repair to a complete refurbishment. We have been doing this for small, medium, and large utilities throughout the Midwest for decades and with that experience we’ve developed the ability to quickly assess what’s required to bring your product back to top operational condition. After receiving a product in our warehouse, we complete an end-to-end inspection and provide you with an overview of what work must be done as well as a cost estimate.
Our talented team are experts at gas equipment repairs. In addition to providing the estimate, we treat your business the same way we treat our own by considering whether maintenance or repair are worthwhile. Although the products we offer are designed to operate for decades in the field under harsh conditions, at some point it's time to replace them. If our inspection of a customer’s product turns out to show maintenance or repair are beyond the point of diminishing returns and utilization, we will let you know and provide you with the option to purchase a replacement product. You’re of course welcome to move forward with the repair or maintenance if that's what you prefer, and we will gladly do the work. We strive to offer our honest opinion on what will make your dollars spent go furthest in terms of utilization.
As an added convenience, not only do we furnish you with reports explaining the repairs or maintenance performed on your products, we also keep records of all maintenance and repair information. Just give us a call or email anytime and we can provide you with these documents. Having served utility customers for decades, we understand the importance of maintaining these historic records.