Discover a Smarter Way to Monitor and Manage Your Natural Gas Network.

Natural gas is an important part of our nation’s energy infrastructure. Despite the use of natural gas having a long history, the evolution of how it's measured, managed, and monitored has been slow. There are still many old-school manual practices when it comes to natural gas. But what if there’s a better way? We’re proud to offer a wide range of Smart Gas solutions and products to upgrade natural gas systems to the modern age. 

Whether you want to update the meters in your gas system or better improve your business’s connection and surveillance capabilities, there’s a solution that works. Bringing automated elements into your network doesn’t need to be complicated. Our Smart Gas options are easier to implement than you may think! Whatever your comfort level or readiness, there’s a solution available.


Smart Gas Products & Management Solutions


Smart Meters

SonixIQ_Front .pngWelcome to the digital age of natural gas measurement! From the most general point of view, we can define a smart gas meter as a device that provides electronic measurements of gas consumption through a series of integrated sensors and computation hardware. Ultrasonic measurement is the most common method of identifying gas consumption in the space.

The adoption of smart meters such as Sensus’ Sonix IQ meter brings a host of advantages to a natural gas service provider. These meters have no moving, mechanical parts, which in turn means no danger of mechanical faults. This also means the lifetime of these meters is much longer than traditional offerings. Smart meters additionally have data logging capabilities to track consumption on an hourly basis and can be used in customer service efforts to quickly justify billing inquiries.

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Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)SentryPoint Network overview.png

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) gives utilities the opportunity to maximize efficiencies throughout the entire meter data collection process. In the past, collecting meter data was done through slow and often manual actions. Advanced radio frequency technology has enabled service providers to completely automate meter reading and the data entry that goes with it. FlexNet, the Sensus AMI solution, doesn’t stop there. In fact, it is just the beginning. Any AMI solution can collect meter consumption data, but it takes an industry leader to take the network to the next level. FlexNet AMI permits the ability to monitor critical points in your service area for pressure, temperature, flow rate, monitor/control status, and even voltage for cathodic protection assets. With valuable sensor and meter data to manipulate, utilities can identify trends within the distribution system to assist with maintenance or replacement scheduling efforts. The new Sonix IQ gas meter even gives service providers an opportunity to remotely disconnect gas from the comfort of an office, saving valuable work hours. 

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Automated Meter Reading (AMR)Sensus vehicle-gateway-base-station (1).png

Let’s face it, reading meters is a time-consuming process for utilities who still perform that task manually. Automated Meter Reading (AMR) is the easiest way for a service provider to gain a substantial increase in valuable labor hours. AMR solutions use radio frequency technology that transmits data from a meter radio to a mobile collector, often mounted in a vehicle. That data is then processed and formatted into a language your utility billing software speaks and uploaded with the click of a button. Utilities can recognize reading efficiency gains of up to 10x and reallocate that labor to more critical maintenance efforts or capital improvements. If you’re looking to the future, Sensus AutoRead is the AMR platform of choice. The same meter radios used in the AMR solution are also used in the Sensus AMI platform FlexNet for a futureproof and easy upgrade opportunity. 

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Learn More about the differences between AMI & AMR Solutions