The Regional Network Interface (RNI)™ is the nerve center of the FlexNet® communication network. It is made up of hardware, software and database elements, all of which can be customized to your specific needs.
Functionally, the RNI communicates with endpoints and provides you with status updates for your utility system. It continuously gathers and processes network data, storing or sending it to customer information and billing systems. Priority alarms are delivered immediately for fast response. And on-board diagnostic tools optimize performance by monitoring and managing network health.
The RNI offers the flexibility to operate more efficiently—and on your terms. You can choose to have all hardware components installed on site or delivered as a secure, cloud-based application. Reduce service calls by remotely configuring endpoints. Streamline operations by adding plug-ins or custom software applications. Or get the most value from your FlexNet system by using data analytics applications to improve customer service and reliability.
Benefits for your customers
Accurate billing
Faster response